Orthodox Survival Course

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Lecture Notes
Fr. Seraphim Rose

Fr. Seraphim during the “New Valaam Theological Academy” course, 1980. Photograph by Fr. Lawrence Williams.

Audio Recordings

Lecture 01 - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Lecture 02 - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Lecture 03 - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Lecture 04 - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Lecture 05 - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Lecture 06 - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Lecture 07 - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Lecture 08 - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Lecture 09 - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Lecture 10 - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Lecture 11 - Fr. Seraphim Rose (Parts 1-4)

Lecture 12 - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Lecture 13 - Fr. Seraphim Rose